Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

Is there any access to a list of the maps used?

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Hello all! I just started diving into the KF mod on saturday, and I appreciate those of you that were on that helped me figure it out, haha.
Anyways, my maps download pretty slowly, so I was wondering if there was a link to the maps used? If this is the wrong place to post I apologize, couldn't see a thread for it though. Any help appreciated!


There are loads, but this should be the easiest to get you started:

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Theres also this link, but you'll have to go digging for the gold...

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 ;) Thanks, I really appreciate it!


To [MiA] Njordr,

That's really nice. I appreciate it too. Now I don't have to guess which map is which.

Don't thank me, thank Raj :)) I think he might have some more hiding somewhere...


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