General Zone > Lulz

Annoiying players and their stuff :D

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Dr Bazillus:
Isnt it more childish to complain other teams dont build nodes, while your team is killing everyone on that node? and to the spawnkilling... even if the node is built up and not linked to your team you go on with your "tactic"*roll eyes* with that tactic the most teams loose or the most player go, cause they want to come into game again sometimes... its childish to spawnkill all players so you can play alone too. so whats now really annoying? missing fairplay or your "tactic"?..... >:( 8)

Oh man, you continue that...
Just read the rules and play however you want. Or don't if don't like it.

Dr Bazillus:
That was only a post in a thread called: "annoying players and their stuff".
For me it is annoying, so i said it... thats all...*roll eyes*

I find spawnkilling to be a necessary evil when you have the node shield half-down just to make keep people from linking it back up when you might have access to it again in 3 seconds. So it can be a legit tactic. And again, you are not forced to spawn at that node. If you keep letting it spawn you there when there are attackers that's on you.

Don't forget about spawn-protection - you have time to get weapons. But if you start fire spawn-protection is over. So don't fire after you respawn, look around first. By the way, I often use shield against spawnkillers - it can kill manta that is trying to run you over.


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