Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
Let's play together
france 1998:
hello all player Zombie
I would like any person who plays a killing floor toy together on Friday night or when you are disponnible
Thank you
Sure but we could use at least 1 more player.
It's really annoying when there's only 2 players, we get to like wave 7 after playing about half an hour and then you're suddenly all alone because the other player decided to bail on you.
france 1998:
--- Quote from: [MiA]Raj on November 30, 2016, 18:14 ---Sure but we could use at least 1 more player.
It's really annoying when there's only 2 players, we get to like wave 7 after playing about half an hour and then you're suddenly all alone because the other player decided to bail on you.
--- End quote ---
I agree with you rocktan no longer plays on KF :'( :'(
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