Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Anti-camping logic information - feel free to suggest tweeks

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That's a very old trick (bug) from UT (1999). When you sit on smth thin and it moves, you stay in that place even if it is in the air.
It was even worse, it was image drop trick. Meaning that in such situation your image is projected somewhere on the ground. So you become invisible, and players are shooting your image without any effect. In UT2004 you can rarely become invisible like that, but also possible. Didn't you see "fire from the sky"?
I've seen that situations when a flagcarrier is shot from raptor and don't fall, waiting for another raptor.

But you cant fall and just freeze on the way. It's not how this bug works. Only if you are shot from the vehicle.


--- Quote from: Dr Bazillus on November 12, 2017, 07:46 ---Ive seen something like that before, too. Two times in one match I pushed the flag carriers into the first hole, in front of our base. There was no raptor waiting, no alien jump. He/She just felt down the map, then he/she scored.

--- End quote ---
Did he die? Did you see him fall down?
You know, its possible to stay in that hole from where an alien jump is done?

Dr Bazillus:
there was no alien jump... he just felt down and no half minute after he scored both times....


--- Quote from: Dr Bazillus on December 09, 2017, 01:44 ---there was no alien jump... he just felt down and no half minute after he scored both times....

--- End quote ---

hmm, that really sounds impossible to me

Unless they got on to raptor under the hole from the alien jump point


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