Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Anti-camping logic information - feel free to suggest tweeks

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I may try it soon, to know how it is

It's a bit like the base portal on Torlan on top of the base towers. Put a manta or raptor on one to kill players going through it and my code will fairly quickly put an end to it. Most people will never be impacted as in normal play you are never there.

How do people feel about campers on the side walls leading up to middle node sitting there for ages stopping the node from being built? Is that something that makes the game more fun for most players?

Dr Bazillus:
Isn´t camping on top of torlan tower at all forbidden, except in the case your team has the majority of the nodes?
Dont say the server rules clearly no? :hmm:

"Server rules: ......
5. No camping at enemy power core unless your team has captured more nodes.
Failure to follow this simple set of rules can result in a ban from our server(s)."

To answer your question: No, it doesn´t make a game more funny if players are camping at unlocked nodes to prevent that they are builded. No matter which node.
But on the other side, fighting at the middle node is normal (If it can be built.).

Imho the anti-camping changes in game - torlan and vctf - are a good thing (Except for Dcnr  ;) :D ).

But i'm neutral for this kind of behaviour
I think spawnkilling is the most annoying thing

i think it must be allowed only in the nodes that are being fighted for, in the frontline of war to say it, the other in the rear should be considered spawnkill and lame play. Also, yes Dcnr is a pain in the ass, the size of a cucumber.


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