General Zone > Helpdesk
is racism, homophobia and in general asshole ness permited?
just asking cause smallballs AKA bigballz has a lot to do with it in the shout! panel.
No, it's not.
He needs to say sorry. Let's hope he does soon.
ok, hopes he does, truly I kinda liked him but have no idea he was so edgy, to say the less.
--- Quote from: tirofijo!! on November 24, 2017, 13:46 ---ok, hopes he does, truly I kinda liked him but have no idea he was so edgy, to say the less.
--- End quote ---
guys like you bring out the edgyness in me, i like everyone exept you and scofield, spawnkilling and spectating when on losers team, gtfoh.
like do i care what a whortless piece of %$"#% has to say... in my country i put to sleep racists like u for fun in real life. Dont talk to me, dont write to me.
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