Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004
Freon server
ip ?
Krellsan: or
whatever you like
Ok - latest version:
Things added in total:
1) HeightRadar: Height mark to radar (configurable on/off)
2) AdvertiseAs: Choose which gametype is advertised (configurable)
3) DeathFire: When you get frozen you release any charged rox/goop (configurable on/off)
4) AwardAmmoOnThaw: When you thaw you get one berzerk unit of ammo (configurable on/off)
5) Corrected the logic for %h etc team messages so that they work when frozen
6) Fixed the end of game Necro bug where you could res a player at the end of round and lose your adrenaline
If running a server use something along these lines:
ucc server mapname?game=Cuddles2.Cuddle_Freon?mutator=Cuddles2.CuddlesMutNecro ...
Oh yes, if you don't want lots of versions of Freon offline, just rename or delete the 3spn*.ucl files. You can control which packages appear in your gametypes by removing or renaming the ones from the packages you're not wanting to see.
--- Quote from: Piglet on December 02, 2017, 20:38 ---Things added in total...
You can control which packages appear in your gametypes...
--- End quote ---
Thanks genius for providing all that stuff. Removing of the 3spn file did work out.
Made a different start map, fixed the map vote (I had set it up for one of the other Freon types)
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