Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

"Please make tanks more interesting"

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We are going to have to try primeval later... I think it's going to work better than yesterday as the kick-back has now been scaled to the map size

Hi piglet,

I used to set low grav at -280 and  x1.2 gamespeed for tanks maps a while ago

The gravity is actually OP and makes tanks useless because players are more powerfull than a squad of raptors.

Imo, tanks must be affected by low grav  and their tuuret should rotat faster.
You shoould also make avril lock on flying players  and add sniper rifles on every weapon lockers.

Fancy helping with code snippets for that?

Probably a little more gravity would be good. I'll have a ponder

I do like the idea of Avrils locking on to flying players. How would they break that lock?

Upped the gravity (and made everything configurable through webadmin)

New gravity = 0.4 of normal. It was 0.2 - which was too little.

Hopefully not broken anything


--- Quote from: Piglet on February 18, 2018, 20:42 ---I do like the idea of Avrils locking on to flying players. How would they break that lock?

--- End quote ---
Interesting idea!
If you use shield, you can't be locked  ;D
And you can shoot Avril missiles, it wont be difficult.


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