Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Freon - Mia Version - Tips and hints and how to play

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Yeah...the balance of 'do I should or do I get ammo' decision..

Changes to the gameplay:

Change 1:

Re-written the logic at the point of thawing (ReTrigger() is now in Freon.uc where it should have been the first time I wrote it, if you're following the code) . My previous code here was a bit of a hack, and relied of unrealscript keeping hold of objects after they were destroyed. Now re-done a little better.

When you thaw you should (if the new code is working):

a. Start healing close players if they are lower health than you as you thaw (old code did this hackily)
b. Start thawing close frozen team members (old code did this hackily) - however if that happens you lose thaw protection (new).

If you're not in thawing range of any frozen players you keep thaw protection as normal, even if you start to thaw.

Change 2

You can now humiliate icicles even more by standing on them...and doing a dance if you like...

Change 3

Trying making Suiciding or Kamakaze is less attractive. You'll be thawed much slower by teammates (configurable from WebAdmin but trying 60% of normal speed as a trial)

Frozen players now marked "Kamakaze" if they died by killing themselves (I can't differentiate between accidental and deliberate). These players will actively thaw slower than players not marked like this.

OK - had a play with textures for the first time tonight.

Players who kill themselves thaw slower.
Players who freeze themselves and land in lava (or are immediately pushed in) lose thaw protection and die there.

I've got a version of the code where the frozen icon is:

*  a very small red skull and crossbones when self-killed while landing in lava means death:

* a very small suicide prevention ribbon while self-killed and it's ok to land in lava and thaw

* otherwise the normal icon

Is it worth leaving the current wording "(Kamakaze)" after the player name when there's the ribbon, and/or "(Kamakaze no lava)" when there's the skull....or not...or some other wording... or is just the icon enough?

The icons are small.


Trying with just the icons for now

Piggy is such a troll, lol


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