Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Freon - Mia Version - Tips and hints and how to play

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That's a different ribbon!

If you can find better image I'm interested.

Maybe someone with artistic talent can do one for this purpose... Kops?

Something like this?  Figured there's no point having writing on it since it will be so small. IMG code is warping it for some reason - lines are smooth in actual image. Give me any tweaks you need.

Oh and btw it's kamikaze :)     Still probably worth having the words, certainly for the first few weeks while ppl learn to make the visual connection between the icon and the state of the player.

Thanks. Have a look in the server ... Self kill and see them when using the images posted above. They seem pretty small. 64*64 is tiny on the screen.

Ut uses textures in powers of 2, and I've not investigated what would be needed for slightly bigger images here

3 times today I've walked over a  powerup but it wasn't picked up. Rankin and twice on Goose. Gone over them several times but they're still there, spinning, smirking at me.  The third time, it disappeared after walking over it a couple of times but I didn't get any adren/shield.

Were you full health or sheild for the first two and full adren for the third?


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