Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Freon - Mia Version - Tips and hints and how to play

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Took a screenshot of the Rankin one: near full health but not full shield.  Pretty sure I wasn't full h/s/a on the other two but cannot confirm. Will keep an eye out in-game today.

Looks like high health. If you can't use it you can't pick it up.

For some reason the adrenaline pickups can be picked up even when you have 100... maybe one to add to the 'fix' list

only just read  this post,,. one thing I noticed recently is thaw protection doesn't always seem to come on,. reading now it looks like it won't be on if I happen to thaw near a frozen teammate,. wha,. I may have no choice about where I thaw,.

I kinda like the old behaviour,. as you get a few seconds free from being shot at to try and get your team up before running away,. works well if for some reason the other team has stacked the frozen or everyone is froze in the same place

Yeah - It adds a new aspect to thawing.

The problem without this is that I've fixed the thaw radius problem

Previously when you thawed by a teammate you had to move out of trigger range and back again before you started to heal the live teammate or thaw the frozen one. With that fixed so that you start thawing near teammates you had long enough with thaw protection on to completely thaw all the teammates you were close to without any way of the enemy fragging you or stopping the thawing from happening. All you had to do was not fire!

You still get thaw protection if you're not within thawing range of a teammate when you thaw.

The dynamic this creates is that groups of frozen players are still good for thawing, but there's a risk that they can be killed without generating an unstoppable thaw group all with thaw protection. Before I did this there were times when almost the entire team was thawing and thaw protected, and able to thaw any teammate that got fragged before losing their own protection. The group of players thaw time was so quick it wasn't actually worth shooting at them!

yeah,. I see what you're saying,. thaw protection is handy,. guess I'll have to pay attention as to whether it's on or not :)


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