Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Freon - Mia Version - Tips and hints and how to play

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New version with some small bug fixes in a few places. Nothing that affects gameplay.

Can't work out why client view of frozen pawn sometimes continues moving despite the server and other players seeing it stationary. I've tried moving it slightly at the point if freezing, but no change. Very odd. It's as if the replication of position gets missed at freeze - even with just one player and 3 bots

Updated the information in the first post with a new more game-play notes.

First post updated with Kops' fantastic redo of the hints and tips.

Recent changes:

* F7 "Info" tab now has a link to the hints and tips
* F7 "Misc" tab now has the option of three different styles of radar blob to choose from. The first/default one should scale better
* When you do a resurrect, the code will only pick a player actively being thawed if there are no other players it can choose from.

Hello all!
I'm not completely sure if this is the right forum to post this, but I have a maybe abit stupid guestion about the game. So there is this possibility to "force" models on the server. Does that make a huge difference... for example are the hitboxes of different characters drastically different? I kind of like to be able to identify players by their characters so I would prefer not to use it unless it makes a real difference. What is your view on this matter?

Hitboxes are the same for all characters. I force larger character models in red for enemies purely to make them easier to spot and use a slim, female character for myself as I figure if an enemy isn't forcing characters, then I'll be slightly less noticeable.


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