Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Freon - Mia Version - Tips and hints and how to play

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I force model as this makes the target of shots a constant shape. I know roughly where I need to be aiming on that model to get a headshot.

The other advantage is that the animations are consistent.

Ok. I see... Thanks for the replys!

It also saved some VRAM back when the game launched :D

But yeah I force models and colours for enemies.


--- Quote from: THOR` on January 15, 2020, 16:16 ---It also saved some VRAM back when the game launched :D

But yeah I force models and colours for enemies.

--- End quote ---
You're telling me NOW????
This would REALLY help with my S3 SAVAGE 4 PRO 16MB PCI card.

So I put the force models "ON" on the "F7" options, but nothing happened... What might be the reason? Any idea?


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