Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Freon - Mia Version - Tips and hints and how to play

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I've merged in a few changes from Sol's nice version and from Rejecht's re-freon (via hackysac), and made a few code tweaks and tidy-ups.

Every version of Freon I look at has its pros and cons and I try and select or build those that seem most appropriate. If there is any significantly "appropriate" change that you know of from another version you've played, please let me know what and where you saw it (ideally with link to code/download).

Amongst the thingsthat didn't make the cut for inclusion were:

* Adding the sniper rifle
* Tracking number of players spectating you
* Damage indicators (there's a mutator that does that OK)
* Netcode bandwidth and timing changes
* Shield gun changes
* Team coloured shots
* Selection of which awards to receive
* Selection of sound to use when necro fails
* Cheers on sprees
* Smilies in chat
* Bans for spamming taunts
* Res Stats
* Tracking of air rockets
* Anything to do with ranks/ranking. I just don't get that at all!

Nice, I did use to love the sniper rifle on ons :)
Ty man

Yeah, but not for Freon!

Thanks Weed, for pointing out that shattering at end of round messed up the kill/death ratio. That should be fixed now.

Thanks hackysack for spotting that gits weren't working any longer. That should be fixed now.

Whilst I was there I also fixed (I think) the adren saver code for resurrect that should always kick in at end of round unless the game is over. That should be working better now.

I wonder if it's possible to add a few lines of code that would make bot/s use necro combo on players instead of random combo (berserk mostly !). That would surely make bots more useful than they are already (apart from piglet they are the best thawers you can get on your team) :)

There's meant to be a NecroChance=90% chance they do it. I think there may be a mistake here by not returning the combo name from the first if.

I'll add that and see if it makes a difference

--- Code: ---function string RecommendCombo(string ComboName)
        if(FRand() < (NecroChance/100))
            ComboName = "3SPNv3225PIG.NecroCombo";

    if(NextMutator != None)
        return NextMutator.RecommendCombo(ComboName);

    return ComboName;
--- End code ---


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