Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Freon bugs and issues to look at....

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--- Quote from: hagis on September 06, 2019, 16:45 ---I don't know if I've imagined it - but I think I noticed the adrenaline icon / pill top right flashing when adren was a 0 - I think it only flashed before when full (possibly!) :)

--- End quote ---

Ah yes...found it. Will upload a fix when the server is empty.

Fix added early this morning. Adrenaline should now flash from 100
Also added random map vote and a webadmin fix while the server was down

nice,. it's weird I don't often notice the flashing pill at 100 adren or whatever but I did notice it more when it was 0 - I guess before match starts you're not so focused on someone trying to kill you :)

It was a good spot, thanks. I'd simplified the logic, missing that one variable was used to trigger flashing when == max adren. I've changed the flashing now to happen when adren >= necro combo amount (100) instead

not a bug or an issue for most I suspect but I do notice the same 5-10 maps basically played in rotation,. that seems to happen more on mia freon than I noticed on other servers


increase the exclusion count - it's simple to change

have map lists,. SoL and HoC use maplists,. on SoL they have (or used to have) different map lists depending,. so 'prime time' when the server is busy has larger maps and less smaller maps,. HoC rotates map lists every 2-3 months (some popular maps are in every list like koden)

switch out the most played maps (e.g. campgrounds) for other version so at least it's different,. the campground on HoC is better suited to full server and plays nice

leave as it is,. I should play less :)


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