Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Freon bugs and issues to look at....

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the problem is balance,. if there's one A player on a side and none on the other it should balance,. two A players one side (and none on the other) and it is much harder,.

I didn't notice their ppr but they were on the same side and avg ppr doesn't move quick enough to offset that,. the amount of damage/kills should have pushed their game ppr up and then run the balancer it should put them on different sides

thaw's for 10 points used to be how it was set on SoL and HoC and it mostly balanced fine,. with partial thawing points I don't know how the points are allocated between time thawing and total thaw etc

SoLToolz is really a handy thing for admin to use,. it allows all kinds of handy things,. force rez and moving players between teams,. we could have offset those players by moving the C players to their side so you have more B players on the other,. it's point+click easy,. you look at the escape menu and you have buttons to switch players (and other stuff like whois type things)

it's really an edge case but the work 1/2 exists in 3spn

if you go to spec and rejoin you retain your points,.  that is also the case in some situations if your connection drops and you reconnect to the server,. you keep your points

what isn't done,. you loose your adren in both cases,. ideally it should be re-applied the same way points are kept

ok,. it's the kind of thing most don't notice and no drama either way but will put here so it's listed at least :)

Do you need the latest code to look at fixing that?

Another thing that needs looking at is the balancer and what happens when a player joins mid round. If there is a bot playing they get kicked out..even though the new player is waiting to spawn at the start of the next round...or a res.

I've seen a round lost as the last player unfrozen is the bot that got kicked as it thawed

The code should be more aware of this and only kick the bot if the new player actually starts to play

Hello !
I don't think this is very important thing but... today I played vs bots only on freon, it was Check Maze_b2 map, bots were totally confused, they just stood all the time and did nothing until they saw me or my bot teammate. One round I was moving near spawn place and both bots' "tent colapsed" cuz they were camping all the time... it never happened on any other map I've played so maybe it was some disposable glitch.

Nice server btw, keep it up  ;)


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