General Zone > The Lounge

My current peeves :-)

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1. People who don't or won't kickvote.

When someone is clearly TKing or using vehicles in a way that's throwing off the entire team's game, I'll ask for kickvotes to get that person out of the game.

I find it very annoying when people won't kickvote, even though I've made the case, people agree with me, and the offender gets two or three kickvotes. The kickvote process was added to the server to make the game self-regulating, but it takes people to actually kickvote for it to work!

Please kickvote!

2. People who are too good.

There are a few people who are incredibly, phenomenally good. Arbok and DcNr are two of these, although occasionally I'll have a decent day against DcNr.

I've only seen Arbok lose a couple of times, when the rest of his team is nearly useless. Otherwise he's untouchable, strolling through fields of fire, taking the flag and walking back with it.

These people completely throw off the balance of a game and make it pretty much unenjoyable for me.

Moi is at the top of the rankings, and he's super, but I never feel like playing against him is a waste of time. Kaal and cHIA and Rounin and so many others are a joy to play with and against. Thank you!

3. Hugs.

Why hasn't he been banned yet? He rage quits as soon as his team starts losing, so it sucks to be on his team. He switches to the winning team extremely often, so it sucks to be on his old team.

In general, he makes the game less enjoyable.

2. Hmmm...on a good day for me it can't be that much fun playing against me either :) I've been Freon'ing more recently

3. Well he had a break yesterday evening. Any more I see and it's going to be a holiday

today i was at my worst..i could be anybody's fight :[
havent slept much, need a decent 15 hours to become normal again..
flenser btw i like playing with u bro,your'e a smart player.
with that beeing said,good night.
i will dream at night about 32 ping on face-classic :D love u all=>

I have never played below 130 ping and u want 32 arbi xd... I wonder how it feels to even be around 50-60 ping... I wish.. Dc and Arbi are easy to I have said before use shield come close flak them away :p



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