Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Come play ONS on the new test server - tonnes of maps.

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There are a range of VCTF maps already made which we could use.

If you want to try those maps, give me map names and what things you would want where - open unrealed and find the spots to put things in the format detailed below.

For example, here are the locations for some of the things on CTF-FaceClassic:

--- Code: ---(Level="CTF-FaceClassic",ClassName="Onslaught.ONSRV",Location=(X=-2252.000000,Y=1896.000000,Z=-2344.000000),Rotation=(Pitch=0,Yaw=0,Roll=0),bRespawn=true,RespawnDelay=15,Properties="bTeamLocked=true;Team=1")

--- End code ---

I want to suggest this map, many vehicles, many turrets a single leviathan, it is not so easy to reach the cores, each one has 3 defense turrets, excellent map.

I dont remember who this was but I once read a story about a map that was the same as face classic but instead of two towers there was four of it so the map was like a cross
In that story u could carry two flag at a time (there is four teams four towers four flags)
that would be a terrible mess

That Ons map suggested by xax is cool, everyone will have their vehicles :) can v have that map piglet?



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