Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004
If you like the VCTF us find good ones
There are few mutators that are usefull:
PermapMut: Allows you to add a specifi mutator for a map only
RezQFS: Fast weapon switch
Big flag: Since some map are big, it makes the flag "a bit" more visible
RezQ Bright Skins: Simple bright skin like the RezQ server one
TD vehicles: Great mutator for VCTF Field of chaos map and VCTF Closer
--- Quote from: Absolute_Madness on April 27, 2019, 19:13 ---
--- Quote from: miley.cyrus on April 27, 2019, 18:40 ---The map
has a invis vehicle with the
missing files
The poo lumps with smelly air are vehicletransport for it.
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Yes, it's teleport for vehicles to get out of the toilet bowl with the vehicles.
Also, there's a secret path bottom of the bowl that teleport you to the butt above.
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I saw some player get teleported when I spec but didnt notice the exact spot, also there are some funny noice going on there :D
--- Quote from: Absolute_Madness on April 27, 2019, 19:16 ---There are few mutators that are usefull:
PermapMut: Allows you to add a specifi mutator for a map only
RezQFS: Fast weapon switch
Big flag: Since some map are big, it makes the flag "a bit" more visible
RezQ Bright Skins: Simple bright skin like the RezQ server one
TD vehicles: Great mutator for VCTF Field of chaos map and VCTF Closer
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Is it the latest version of TD_Vehicles? The ver 1.30 with MEGA truck etc.
--- Quote from: Absolute_Madness on April 27, 2019, 19:11 ---I got it fixed:
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Assets added. Do we need that version of the map?
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