Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

Killing Floor Screenshot Thread!

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Neat! Ask him where he's hiding all of our other players :P

I dug around but I don't have any KFMod screens, so have The Haunted instead:


I've been going over the old KFMod games.

Played the the first version, KFMod V1:

Then I played (and revised) the next version, KFMod V21:

(NOTE: On the menu page of KFMod V21, I added a Pepsi soda can in the hand).

I know the very first KFMod is outdated but I have never played it before. And it was half way decent (the zeds weren't as naked). And I like the story line. I might make additional maps for it.

By the way, does anyone know how I can unzip the kfmod.u file in KFMod (version 1)? I can't do it under ucc batchexport command. It gives me an error message about the 'patchsounds'.


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