Miasma Site > New members

Hi everyone, kmeel introducing himself

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I'm Florian and pretty new to the game as you have noticed prolly, as I am asking a lot of questions about settings, configurations and whatever comes to my mind on how I can improve my settings. It's something I enjoy doing and messing with.
Found that the mainstream of the community is very friendly and helpfull, really shows how awesome this small left-over community is.

I'm from the Netherlands myself and am gaming on an 8600k@5.0 / 1080ti @2.0 for all you nerds out there.



There's a thread on settings to improve play. The most important one is to increase your netspeed setting - as there are so many players and bullets and pickups etc you need as much bandwidth as possible for your machine to be told about as many of them as possible. I have a key bound which I press at the start of every map.

I'm on an i5-3570k / GTX 960 - hardly the speediest machine out there.

Welcome :)

Thank you!
I've done some googling while playing and testing last week. Currently I've tweeked my UT a bit;
Have the keybind for each game for netspeed 20000.
Monitor is at 240hz, with strobing on, fps capped with rivatuner at 300.
fov 120 @1080 resolution, but playing with this. might be a bit to high
Installed soundblaster update, not sure if this actually does anything.
Playing on 64bit.
And some tweaks to the ini files, also playing with it a bit.

Not looking for an unfair advantage, so please let me know if something is not appreciated. I surely don't have the skills to back it up in-game. But I do find it interesting to tweak these settings.



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