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The Year 2004 What Were You doing?

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Two games, on two different systems, UT2004 on pc, and San Andreas on the ps2.


--- Quote from: }TCP{Cloud on May 12, 2020, 04:54 ---Two games, on two different systems, UT2004 on pc, and San Andreas on the ps2.

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Remember GTA III and VC on PS2, I played heavily in 04 too.

--- Quote from: }TCP{Cloud on May 12, 2020, 04:54 --- If everything is a dream, don't wake me up.
--- End quote ---
You quoting Final Fantasy VII
Also the year I was introduced to the Final Fantasy series, playing FFX for the first time on PS2. Been playing VII remake currently amazing remake. It also utilises the Unreal Engine.

It is the best total conversion mod for Unreal Tournament ever made!

I was playing demos of Age of Empires 2, Homeworld and Mechwarrior 4 from those PC Gamer demo discs, because I was old enough to be able to but too young to actually buy games and stuff.

I did actually have UT99 GOTY, because my dad bought it but never played it. I only played against bots, though.

I didn't even play UT204 until around grade  or so. My highschool had a laptop program so I had y own computer for once, and I was curious to see what the sequel to UT99 looked like.


--- Quote from: [MiA]Latte on June 01, 2020, 13:34 ---I was playing demos of Age of Empires 2, Homeworld and Mechwarrior 4 from those PC Gamer demo discs, because I was old enough to be able to but too young to actually buy games and stuff.

I did actually have UT99 GOTY, because my dad bought it but never played it. I only played against bots, though.

I didn't even play UT204 until around grade  or so. My highschool had a laptop program so I had y own computer for once, and I was curious to see what the sequel to UT99 looked like.

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Haha I got AOE for free with Kellogs Cornflake Cereal in a promotion they were doing for Age of Mythology in Australia. Was one of my first online games pre-UT 2004.

After leaving when MSN gaming zone shutdown, these days I play AOE II on steam a lot still. UT2004 was the first UT I bought. I enjoyed playing the UT2003 demo and was waiting with anticipation for the next UT to buy it for my birthday.


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