General Zone > Helpdesk


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think some people believe the world owes them something,. the server (pretty well all community run servers) is not a job for someone, it's put up and maintained by people who enjoy playing and want to create a space where others can also enjoy playing

what's not enjoyable,. people that intend to cause trouble, abuse other players and bring a bad attitude,. take that shit to facebook or somewhere that cares and has time and energy to 'police',. it's that simple, if you are asked to behave and don't then you need to move on and find somewhere better suited


No, it's time for you to take a lengthy break. We might revisit this at some point.

To be really clear on how I see things:

Racism. It's never OK.

I agree 100 % ,  being they have done it to me as well  :(


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