Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

A Bit of Better Balancing

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Wow, 30,000 is a lot. I have no experience in preparing the backend stuff (could you give a working example of that). Guess there would be some learning for me too.

Anyways I went ahead and setup a repository with initial code (let me know how you feel about that).

The best examples for the UT side of things I have are are in:

*  "TitanAdminSM1" - using httplib for simple web-server communication

* Freon - grab from your cache directory after visiting the Freon server here. - using UDP connection

Sounds good. I did some research and found It is based on PHP and I think I can tailor it specifically for CTF/VCTF (only matter of removing other gametypes and adding some more statistics).

1. It has a decent ranking system already built in (
    It would be just to equalize teams based on the points metric.
--- Quote ---Ranking is based on ELO Chess ranking.

Everyone starts with a rank score of 0. Points are based on how often you trigger positive personal score events, e.g. kills, captures, assists, etc. Against your score are deaths, suicides, teamkills, opposing team scores, etc.

The lower the rank of the other player or team is, against whom you score, the less points you will get, so the ripping of weak opponents will get you less rank points, than beating a stronger (in rank) opponent.
--- End quote ---

2. Nice way to display publicly what is going on under the hoods.

1. Relevant modifications will take long time (6-8 months, not counting the time to be spent on the mutator).

I was wondering if we have enough resources (webhosting wise) to support it.

I really dislike utstats - we had it running for a while and the backend database was huge. It was so huge I didn't want to keep it running.

Something much lighter would be better - tracking just enough information to be useful.

e.g. pph, win/lose, caps, kill/death ratio...or whatever you need to determine which team the player should be in

Yeah, I think I can understand the frustration. It is overkill to basically track the servers, maps played and player career not to mention the different gametypes and each and every shot fired from the weapons  :o. For our purposes we just need to track few statistics (like covers, seals, flagkills, captures) along with the total score (it can be discussed further). These statistics will be submitted to the backend (PHP) at the game end or when player leaves the server.

Then, for the backend, we can come up with an algorithm to assign player rating based on those statistics (here UTStatsDB may be useful). At the match start (and when players type "teams") Equalizer will query the backend for rating and, well, equalize the teams.


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