Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

A Bit of Better Balancing

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--- Quote from: Piglet on October 30, 2021, 19:09 ---I had a look at all the stats captured to date and tried various things. The points/hour average is pretty accurate in spotting the better players.

Duke was the exception. He caps a lot but his scores aren't that high.

--- End quote ---

Yes, I tried a lot of complex formulas too in excel and points/time played was the most realistic based on what I know of player skills.

There are some exceptions, for example Mjolnir. He often plays alone, so he has a high number of caps in easy games, distorting his position a little bit.

Duke never defends, I believe this should make him have a lower score

But, anyway, it's the most accurate way I've found to assess player skills.

The negative points I thought are:
-Skilled new players will take a certain amount of time to be ranked
-Need to track the players by IP (if some player changes his name it doesn't change the balancing system)
-When you have a lot of good players (especially with odd number) it will be difficult to determine which ones should be on each team (but, as I said, separating the good players is already an acceptable balance)

Ok, sounds reasonable. All I need now is to find a graceful way to switch player teams when balance is, you know, disturbed  8)

Could be a 4 second timer notifying about switching action to the individuals, IDK!

Using scores for balance will work for 70-80% of players, add flag caps statistics, that can account for a remaining 10%, but it only works if all games are equal.
The balancer should only work when teams become unbalanced by more than ~10% anyway.

Before enabling any balancer, you should rate players based on data gathered.
That rating needs weighted averages.

In order to pick how each statistic should be weighted, firstly we need to discard data gathered for games with few players(8 players or less) or extreme games(26+).
For each player pick stats from complete games - at least 90% of the map's total duration.
Then, pick 2-3 known top players and compare them to known good or average players, a good way to weight scores compared to flag caps, returns, kills, deaths etc..
Then probably weigh the score rate at 60%, then the next important metric at 20%, then divide the remaining stats equally.
Finally make the balancer use that rating, on every map add/subtract rates.

Hold up, i just invented ELO ranking


Who needs a balancer?  :D  ???  :'(

If you thought that was bad you should have seen the map before that. Bloodbath, with me on defence and justice and nard on attack,..


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