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Internet Speeds

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--- Quote from: charsi_baba_zzz on June 11, 2021, 23:23 ---
for 24 usd per month and no caps

--- End quote ---
Nice, your upload speed is much better than mine :)

Y'All can stop ur complaining now.....
USD $129/mnth

My normal ISP got shutdown. New one gives me an 8MB throttled SIM (SMH).
Supposed to get an 'unthrottled' one delivered to me tomorrow.
Paid my deposit for StarLink. Hope they come through in the next few months.

Why is it so expensive though? Surely at that price there would be more competetion.

Is it the long distances involved?

Distance limits my choices. Geo-satellite or Cellular provider is about it. Problem with both is they don't 'really' want us as a customer, they are forced to offer something. They do, by GB. So, somewhere in the hidden abyss of AT&T there's a method to provide unlimited data (up to 1TB) at LTE speeds to a fixed location. I have to pay between $100-250 to leverage that option through a middle-man rather than pay $50 directly.

I figure as soon as Starlink comes out of beta and looks to be a popular option good ol' capitalism will create a wealth of affordable options to me.


my new connection =) 35x better than old


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