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French Racist Players using racist or affiliated Nicknames on miasma servers

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Hello All,

I hope honestly that you will forgive me to have started this thread despite the general excellent spirit  on miasma servers but it was too hard to see nicknames directly related to hate-racist forms i had to report it.

That said,  there are things that are related to in game chat, and as long as people are not bullied or harassed, well it should be ok.
But we are also grown ups for most of us, and as such, it is possible for everyone to step up, either to cool down things, to bring mesure to comments, to stop someone from flaming, etc...
In my opinion,  i feel it is important that a friendly place is maintained  so that we can all enjoy playing, I really mean all of us.
Thats mostly why i like those servers, the peaceful and friendly spirit is big part of it.
That's why i started this thread, this is why i had to step up against hatred-racist-anti jews nicknames.

Peace, Joe.

As a French, this is a shame that such shit comes out of French soil when in France we are supposed to have Equality, Liberty and Fraternity written in everything around us. Hope we head for a more equal and fair society than encourage people to continue to try and divide.

I have to say I really admire France's citizenship attitude.

Whilst French people come in a range of colours, religions and heritages... you're not White-French, Black-French, Muslim-French, Asian-French, African-French, Jewish-French etc. You're French.


--- Quote from: [MiA]Latte on August 17, 2021, 21:35 ---I think I sit firmly in the camp of "people are not assholes because of where you live, people are assholes because they are assholes."

--- End quote ---

Yup I agree on that 100% An asshat is an asshat regardless of race/gender/religion/nationality. We should have cat admins - animals tend to know whether people are asshats or not  8)
Completely impractical to implement, but I thought it worth a mention.
I always promote friendly banter, but then I only really play on freon servers and I've never seen any nastiness since playing on them. I'll gladly tell people off for being nasty if I see it; they may not listen to me, but they might  8)

Correct Piglet. In France we are all French :)

French citizenship should be restricted to people who have total integration about secularity, equality, liberty, tolerance and respect for women and the LGBT community. I have seen unfortunately some passport holders who wants to profit from our social system while asking their sisters why they were seen with gay men. I once asked one such asshat why he is in France and he shamelessly replied because of the social system. Now this is a rare rare asshat but the fact that he got the French passport is such a shame.

Rare as these elements are, I have still seen a general lack of women's right and brain washing in many areas which are economically not as strong and such pockets are exactly which we need to stop from growing. Anything going against the principles of the French republic should not be tolerated from day 1.

In short, if you do not love French values and French way of life, do not dare take the passport and contaminate the good values of our French society such as equality for all, secularity and freedom to lead your life as you want. These values still exist and as long as hell is alive, he will defend these values for sure hehe.

 The reason why we see more people with the French tag is because of our general tolerance which was mistaken as acceptance. Now times have changed and French people are not shying away from attacking such topics with our biggest weapon: Our freedom to Discuss about it without fear and logically eliminating the crap out of people against our values.

A little 2 cent about how we French feel when we hear such nonsense coming out our our land :)


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