Gaming Zone > [MiA] Servers

Thank you to those who help and make things better. No thank you to...

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Thanks to every one making this server run like it does. It's very much appreciated, even if not expressed often.
I like the berserk mod, and the freon mod ; I like the organized chaos the matches we can have there. Great work you did!


--- Quote from: Piglet on December 21, 2021, 09:06 ---
For anyone else, you can see the full set of screenshot snippets which show the size, clarity and sort of thing we're looking for: (mouse over any link)...

together with the list of maps which do not have them:

--- End quote ---

Aha! I'd not updated the script to look for the latest version of Freon. I've updated it and now it includes the Freon maplist.

Thankyou Piglet and everyone else that helps keep the ship running!
I love the old Titan community spirit which seems to have largely transgressed to this forum and servers :)

As for the haters and moaners Piglet, don't let any of them get you down. It seems to be a large part of being British (complaining), from my observations. As for the others, I'm sure there is a greater percentage of those that appreciate the servers as opposed to those that do not.

I think you are doing a wonderful job dude. You have my full respect and support  8) >:D

Plus when I'm playing UT I can pretend it's still 2008, after a few craft beers; I'm adequately convinced  >:D

Thanks Piglet for keeping things ticking along for all these years and thanks to all the admins that help with that.

I promise I’ll graduate from a discord lurker to an active player on the servers at some point :D


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