Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Power PC (MacOS) version?

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Hello All!

Is there anybody, who has the UT2004 MacOs (PowerPC) edition? Or can help me, where I can find it digitally?

This is what i think:

This version playable on Mac G4 or G5.

Dave is playing on a Mac.


--- Quote from: Piglet on January 30, 2022, 13:09 ---Dave is playing on a Mac.

--- End quote ---

I fear, he will play on Mac with intel :/
but i hope!

I'm searching for the power mac version, because the PowerPC CPU and the Apple Silicon CPUs are all RISC type CPU-s, so i hope it runnable nativly fast over a virtual machine.
The x86 type virtual machines/crossover solution is emulating and it is not so fast :/ (lagging)

I wrote to him.



Ez ut2k3 és PC verzió, nem? Mert van saját verzióm nekem is (amit anno megvettem és tartalmazza a Linux verziót is), de PowerPC-s nincs :/

This is an ut2k3 and PC version, isn't it? Because I have an own 2k4 version (which is bought myself and contains the Linux version), but the PowerPC version is missing.


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