General Zone > The Lounge

Stop the fight !!!

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--- Quote from: The_Cowboy on May 05, 2022, 23:59 ---Competition has this habit of finding me. Sorry about this.

--- End quote ---

Where's the competition here? I just asked you a question and you try to offend me
I don't give a fuck about it but you do it to everyone

Well if this is the choice you are making, be my guest!

I didn't make a choice, I asked a question...
which you have no answer, simply because there is no answer. You offend others just for pleasure

dude you are making absolutely no sense

Let's draw

You said that:

--- Quote ---Competition has this habit of finding me. Sorry about this.
--- End quote ---

I showed you a print where I ask you a question
you try to offend me, without any "competition that could be making you out of control" as you suggest

Explain to me exactly what doesn't make sense


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