Miasma Site > New members

Hi Everyone!

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Hi I'm ShockCat (previously Shock, yeah i know very generic),

and im so happy to be back to UT! I got this game as a present when i was 11 years old in 2004, back then we only had Mac computers.
Played the game straight for 10 years then wasnt able to anymore. I came back for a short while around 2 years ago but it was temporary, thats when i occassionally played the servers but never alot.

Now that I'm finally settled and have my own setup again it's great to be back, it's funny to see i still recognize familiar faces, and also want to thank you for keeping the game alive like this, it's great to see we can still play this best game ever!

Hope to see you on the battlefield!

Yo :) Welcome back. I play mostly on ICTF and Mia server but I can join freon once in a while. But 99% of the time I haunt the first two battle fields.

I am also the one behind the discord revolution where we voice chat for very tough games but not always unless needed. Feel free to join that channel to profit from this as we are a good handful who comes online in the hour of need or on request of others :)


Hey Hell, sounds good man, already got into the discord thx to holyspam, hell yeah lets VC sometime!

Welcome back ;D

Welcome ^-^


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