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Petition to either fix the bender glitch on Lakovost or ban people who abuse it

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LOL...Next time duke, you have me on discord. Just send me a text and ask me to take out anyone giving you a rough time :D I will gladly help you :)

Btw, I understand the frustration about this since it can maKe people mad when trying to win desperately. I think the last time ender did this on me, I just went up and pushed him down. Repeated 3 times and he went on to do better things :D

Also, if their top player is busy doing that, then maybe that is an opportunity. Eg: Hell with his bike in Afghanistan vs hell trying to snipe like ender. 

Anyway, don't  lose your mind over 1 game. I know this map is your kingdom :D

Hell_Fire to the rescue lol

But man this isn't just one game, it started as a one off and then pretty much 80% of the last games on lakovost there was someone abusing this glitch, it's really frustrating to play against and really unfair if someone from your team abuses it too. I had to use invisibility, go through entire defence alone plus do some dancing on the floor to cap and not get shot down. We somehow managed to get to 2-0, but the second the opposite team realized there was no defence needed the entire team jumped on our flag with zero pressure and we eventually lost.

It's one thing to be creative like using the berserk jump in facingass, which obviously requires skill, but this to me is flat out cheating. Even if it wasn't it completely ruins the map.

I'll just keep posting these as we go. Butthurt over being caught red-handed while cheating in an 18-year old game and instead of acknowledging what you did and apologizing you're STILL trying to spin this around like it's my fault. Keep 'em coming, I'm taking zero of your crap. Let the whole community see how pathetic and petty you are:

Well, if you are gonna play the victim card anytime I say ‘hax’ this is going to be a never ending thread. Ask anyone on the server, they will confirm it’s almost my catchphrase. The last line you highlighted was an answear to Kuha pointing out that the other team has you and since I was in the lead in that match, I think it was an appropriate joke, especially after you suggesting that you are a better player in your previous post. Stop being so oversensitive

Do I have "moron" written on my forehead? It's like I'm talking to a 5-year old who stole candy and is now coming up with some of the dumbest excuses ever and thinks it's gonna work. You know exactly what you're doing, there was more than I just posted. If you wanna go on we can go on. If I did the same thing I would've apologized and the topic would've ended there (assuming I would've even tried something remotely close to that, since I hate cheating/cheaters with a passion), but since you're so butthurt about being called a cheater, then we can go on.

But hey there's some good news - I don't play this nearly as often as before you can also mock me behind my back like a proper high school girl ganging up on me with other daisies. It won't erase your cheating.


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