Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

some clips from the server, anyone else got videos up?

<< < (2/2)

sup :D

vintage u have discord by any chance?

yeah, but I rarely use it, I'm not that nerdy, use fucking what's app like a normal human

The duality of me.
It looks like the ion painter killed him but the death message says otherwise :))

Bonus reel because I have a vague memory of someone talking about getting headshots in vehicles...

Mine, but not only miasma. Some are good, some bad. Sometimes I play good, most I just play causual, so don't expect to fancy shots. But I watched fish a few times, it's always funny to watch fish. ;)

I got a couple. click under my avatar on the left for the link.
Tried recording some last month and seemed to have recorded 40 minutes of black screen instead of freon, although in hindsight I had probably had a few beers :D


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