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Hello and how are you today?

Why this topic?
Today the channel reached 30.000 views (for whatever that means)

And I thought it would be nice to thank the ones who visit it.

So: Thank you very much i appreciate it a lot.Thank you, Thank you, Thank You  :))

Like the most YT channels say, it would be useless without you.

A bit of background what you see.

16 of april 2023 i uploaded the first MIASMA Unreal Tournament 2004 VCTF video.

Third person cause i thought i could learn more from that.

July the switch to first person, a bit on request and less work.
September i started to add GamePlay VCTF to the title. (I think that's the spike)
I also edit most of the old ones.

Why do I post on YT:
I didn't see much UT2004 (so for future generations :D )
To promote it's still alive.
I like what Hell does.

The views:
I am not sure if they are the views that have been clicked or that they show in the right bar or at the end of a video.
940 hours of watch time is an average of 47 seconds per recording.

The Process:
I use GeForce Experience for the recording
1 hour recording is about 9Gb
The library is 3.5Tb  :))

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Resolution: 1920 x 1080, 144Hz
OS: Win 10 Pro

I review all of the recording and about 150 went to the bin (what happens in UT2004 stays in UT2004)

Mind like a said before: Comments are not intended to offend people, it's in good spirit.
I might sometimes be rather wicked or mean with my comments in the channel.
Sorry for that the thinking behind this is experience: I recon we all know how we should play.......

Even if i don't show it: I love all of you  :P

The (temporary) Ask: >:D
I you watch the video's please push the like button. (also with the ones from @Hell_Fire_Back)
This to test if YT algorithm does push up de general views.

I had one recording with 6 likes and it went to 200+ views in no time.

Just an update, I think that since you have been adding likes on a regular basis, the channel has improved quite a bit.

From an estimated average of 100 to well over 200 views a day and higher.

This is thanks to you en the views (time) you spend on the recordings.

If you don't see recordings of yourself, do a request and i'm happy to be of service.
Know i will not mention when.

Lol, I just noticed I have almost the same PC: GTX 1070 FE + i7 6700 (without K), 16GB RAM :D

Congrats Righty! Thanks for sharing Warfare matches with YT and supporting the UT2004 community. The game is thriving almost 20 years on because of people like you and the awesome Miasma community  8) <3 I like every video I see... They're a nice reference when you lose and don't know WTF happened  ;)

A lot of the views are from me ;D it's so cool watching the game front a different perspective, especially if you see yourself in it too ;D keep up the uploads, man, you have a consistent viewer in me for sure.

30.000 thats awesome for this game of ours... :=


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