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How to kill a dying game in 2 steps

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Another way to kill the game is to be agressive to admins.

Perhaps a more gentle approach would be more appreciated.

I only said facts, at no point was I disrespectful or offending Nardaq. He was much more disrespectful telling me to play Freon or removing the map that Justice edited

I just said that Nardaq is not a frequent player to make decisions like these and that he forces assault all the time, as everyone knows.

With all due gentility, Nardaq has previously kicked and banned players that don't play to his liking, regularly nukes players (and the entire area) that annoy him, and apparently also removes maps that don't meet his approval, despite people voting for those maps. What's the correct approach to asking him not to do these things, such that we won't also be banned, kicked, and nuked?


--- Quote from: Flenser on June 19, 2024, 17:43 ---With all due gentility, Nardaq has previously kicked and banned players that don't play to his liking, regularly nukes players (and the entire area) that annoy him, and apparently also removes maps that don't meet his approval, despite people voting for those maps. What's the correct approach to asking him not to do these things, such that we won't also be banned, kicked, and nuked?

--- End quote ---
Not to mention that he freezes people's names, or literally bans usernames he doesn't like. I rarely agree with Flenser, but this time I 100% do

Yep, it'd be appreciated if the game in progress was left alone.
Dropping monsters, spiders, and deemers all over the place and nuking the winning teams base lends nothing to the enjoyment of the game, although low grav' can be fun at times.


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