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How to kill a dying game in 2 steps

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How to kill a dying game in 2 steps 1 step:

Allow sup to play

That's the problem with admins who don't play, they don't know anything about the players who keep the server alive. They only see logs.

See Monday how many players were online when nardaq deleted concrete, space, magnet and collateral. But ofc u don't care, u don't play vctf.

Only here we already had at least 4 vctf players who agree with me (and i know at least 10 more), but yeah, u're right man, keep reading the vctf logs while you play freon, it's working very well.

Sup is a great skilled player and he is one of the most beloved players, he always tries to make a happy atmosphere in the game, and being nice! And many people on the server would agree with me.

I play often, almost everyday and I haven't seen you Holy, playing on warfare server, so judging people you don't know, its not a way to go, think if it was reverse, nobody wouldnt want to be judge based on unknowlegde... ღ

ye who tf is holy

Holy is the guy who uses this to de-stress: . Just replace 'enter' with 'BAN' plaka :D

Also Otti's praise of sup makes me think of the note taker that surrounds the NK dictator :D


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