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How to kill a dying game in 2 steps

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Since the precedent is set, I'm considering what arbitrary changes of my own to make to behaviour I don't like, such as giant donkey statues that crush people that sit in superweapon spawns for more than 10 seconds. And if anybody complains, I'll force their nickname to "giant-donkey-statue-hater."

--- Quote from: holyspam on June 19, 2024, 22:32 ---How to kill a dying game in 2 steps 1 step:

Allow sup to play

--- End quote ---

I don't see there being a problem with allowing Sup to play.

--- Quote from: sup on June 20, 2024, 19:43 ---Sigh, and Pig asks me not to be aggressive...

--- End quote ---

His post caught me a little off-guard.

I understand that defense occurs, this is natural and everything is fine. Sup, he is a good member of the server, he always respected the rules, he doesn't cause trouble. We know that smaller maps bring more excitement due to the speed at which things happen. Please do not remove the smaller maps.

thank guys

--- Quote ---Since the precedent is set, I'm considering what arbitrary changes of my own to make to behaviour I don't like, such as giant donkey statues that crush people that sit in superweapon spawns for more than 10 seconds. And if anybody complains, I'll force their nickname to "giant-donkey-statue-hater."
--- End quote ---

This would be an arbitrary change that would have my 100% support xD

Nardaq is still dropping deemers all over the place and nuking the winning teams base (at least twice yesterday).

What enjoyment can possibly be gained from ruining the game like this?  The "photo op' at the end is a fun part of a match, is he getting some sort of kick, knowing full well he's pissing off other players?

This is not only affecting gameplay, it has also stopped me from donating towards the upkeep of the server this year.

Interfering during matches for the glee of one individual is not my idea of fun.  Is it too much to ask for the forced map switching, dropped monsters/Malcolms/nukes, or whatevers to stop?

On another note...the immediate respawn in warfare often has me jumping and spraying bullets in every direction as It takes a fraction of a seconds for my brain to register I've been killed.  Could the respawn timer be upped to 1 second?  I feel this will give players sufficient time to regroup and refocus.

My take on this is that the things admins can do that other players can't do should be sparingly and appropriately done.

I'll ask again.


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