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How to kill a dying game in 2 steps

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Longest yard should be re-named as longest school yard :D In all my youtube recordings I always wanted admin nukes / mods but never got many. Barring map deletes, admin mods like speed, fun mods , lao's dragons are what made the game less monotonous. I am not for low grav in longest but sometimes it is ok ;) So, don't switch off the fun mods but do it when the crowd is right I guess :)

Good job guys

I love you Sup

I love you too Puss Sup!
P/s. whers Halsey? i miss her. And love her more than Sup.
P.P.s. sorry Sup :D

I see not a lot's changed with admin abuse since I went on strike and stopped playing  :D I'll be back once they're removed or replaced.

No idea why such a small game/server needs them tbh... Players should just respect each other and then deal with things as a community, taking appropriate action as agreed by the majority (not minority e.g. one admin). Feels like there's no democracy atm, unless posts like these are made and admin's are called out. After all, it's 'the love of the game' that keeps UT2004 going and if that's taken away then it will quickly die.


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