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How to kill a dying game in 2 steps

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I think I am a bunny hopper but I have been up there at least 3-5 times in almost 2 year.

Serious: It can not be so that maps need to go because players can not learn or do not learn the moves.

I even if it could save me, I can not master dogde- and wall jump but i will not complain or expect maps be deleted because of that.

(So even if you see me dodge, that is not on purpose)

Bring back magnet


--- Quote from: Piglet on July 14, 2024, 16:15 ---Magnet's upper section is probably the issue. Only the bunny-hopper-trials players can get up there reliably in a firefight

--- End quote ---

actually any player can go there with a simple double jump in the lift

At first no one knew how to go there, now many players have learned, I don't understand why remove maps that everyone likes and develop players' game play.

As u can see, even Hell can do it:


--- Quote from: Piglet on July 14, 2024, 16:15 ---Magnet's upper section is probably the issue. Only the bunny-hopper-trials players can get up there reliably in a firefight

--- End quote ---
But that should incentivize other players to improve since it's really not that difficult to get there (from a technical standpoint, different story if you're running away with the flag obviously).

Also, even if you went for the flag and straight for the first floor you'd fail most of the time, it's not easy to get up consistently as one would think. Watch replays of me, sup or dark f.e. and see the percentages for yourself. Usually it's 1 out of 4/5 attempts made, if that. The elevator/ramp is easy to block. Plus there's usually at least 1 player in each time who can reach the upper floor, so a deadlock doesn't occur that often from what I've witnessed.

I have been in games where the flag carrier sits up there for ages while none of the other team can reach them


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