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How to kill a dying game in 2 steps

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UE2SelectionFixes has been out for a couple months now and fixes a lot of issues on newer versions of Windows.

--- Quote from: Piglet on August 13, 2024, 21:51 ---It just needs a killzone up there and all will be good.
--- End quote ---

Depending on the definitions of "killzone" and "up there" this could be done in 15 seconds with a PhysicsVolume.

Yeah. Thing is the area is a big feature of the map.

In the end I made a couple of very small changes to the map that mean that more people can get up there. Not just the trials players or those otherwise good at trick-jumping etc

Making things easy for players doesn't make them play better

 So, can we please get the collateral back without the flyers?  :(



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