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Flenser's October trip: Nice and Vienna!


We already have plans with moi to meet up in Nice.  ;D

If you're in the Nice area, or near Vienna, we'd love to meet up and have lunch or a drink, and put some faces to some UT names.

DM me on Discord if you're interested!

Bumping this up as the time is approaching.

Moi and I have not finalized plans yet, so if you're anywhere near Nice in the first two weeks of October, it'd be great to meet. Or, make use of the awesome train system (Hellfire, I'm talking to you!) and come to Nice!

Also, Mrs. Flenser and I will be in Vienna from October 14-18 if that's a better place to meet up, have lunch or dinner and a couple of drinks, and say Hi. I'm hoping to meet up with Antonius again, and Duke.

DM me on Discord if you're interested!


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