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How does your desktop look like?

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This be my desktop... That is 5 of them :D


--- Quote from: N3Cr0 on October 07, 2010, 18:44 ---wait a sec, shall this really be windows?
which  version?
please post your config.
Can I set it to my Windows XP?

--- End quote ---

Yeah BB4Win is port of the BlackBox Linux Window Manager for windows 95 and up. That includes XP and 7 aswell. There might be some incompatibilities, but I recommend downloading bbClean which a branch of BB4Win - I find it most cuztomizable and stable.

It's a shell replacement, meaning it will replace your Windows shell (explorer.exe), but you can just run it without installing for checking out, so no harm no foul.
You can get started by downloading latest bbClean: [link]

Ask me on Xfire tomarrow or on weekend and I'll hook you up with some must have themes and plug-ins.
It's pretty simple to cuztomize it to your likes. Themes are easy to create and there's already infinite of themes available on web: eg Toxicana or dA.

You might not like it, because it's purpose is to provide an lightweight (takes under 2MB or RAM usually) yet very functional user-interface. So no bells/whistles like in Win7 shell or on Gabriel's screeny.

Lol, kind of long reply.. but I'm a BB fan xD

I will try it tomorrow (it's late and I will go to bed soon)
Well, your theme reminds me a bit to my Ubuntu Linux with GNOME desktop

This Is my Ubuntu desktop while I'm starting UT2004 ^^

As you can see the splashscreen of the Linux version is transparent :P



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