Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

key codes / Console hotkey (especially important for Linux users)


After I had installed UT2004 on my Linux I've noticed about some issues I have.
The worst thing: I could not open the console (just with a keybinding - and only when I am in the game)
But now I have found out how to fix that:
1. Open the /System/ut2004.ini  (for KFmod it is /kfmod20/System/KFMod20.ini) with a text editor
2. Search for:
--- Code: ---[XInterface.ExtendedConsole]
--- End code ---

EDIT: Sometimes even that doesn't fix the problem in KFMod, the solution: paste the same number in the section:

--- Code: ---[KFMod.KFConsole]
--- End code ---
in the line

--- Code: ---ConsoleHotKey=192
--- End code ---

3. Replace the 192 with the decimal ASCII code for your key. For Germans it's the 246 for the Ö or the 94 for the ^  (see below)

BTW: Maybe It is also usable to change the hotkey for the small console input. just search for:

--- Code: ---[Engine.Console]
--- End code ---

Here the ASCII codes:


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