Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

Idea for new pseudo game mode

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I think most people agree that if mainly experienced players are on the server at least rounds 1-6/7 can be pretty boring and incredibly easy. And on some maps all rounds are boring until Patty arrives. Usually you know where the zombies spawn and where they come from. That makes the game easy and predictable. You got your safe spot and you know that zombies will come from the left side, but no zombies will ever come from the right side for example. You stand there, kill zombie after zombie and wait for round 7/8 or for Patty.

So I had an idea. What about a 'dungeon master' type game? By that I mean a game where an admin spawns a limited number of zombies in places where they normally don't spawn. Players will never know where zombies come from and that will (hopefully) make the game exciting, even in early rounds. Of course there would need to be rules to make sure the game is fair for the players and the admin doesn't spawn 20 fleshpounds on top of their heads.

1. Spawning zombies requires no line of sight to the players, just like regular zombie spawns. Admin can't spawn a zombie in front of a player where he can see it.

2. A minimum distance to players for spawning zombies. Like ~30 feet minimum distance to the next player for example. Admin can't spawn a zombie directly around the corner or behind/above a player. Players should be able to see zombies coming if they pay attention and not be attacked by one out of nowhere.

3. Zombies spawned need to be appropritate for the round, eg only clots and bloats in round 1, but no sirens in round 1, no fp in round 5 and so on.

4. A limited number of zombies in total and per minute. Like 25% of the total amount of zombies spawning that round (eg if 100 zombies spawn admin can spawn a maximum of 25 zombies additionally) and no more than 5 zombies per minute. This is hard to measure exactly of course, but I think roughly the correct amount should be possible if the admin pays attention.

5. Finally the admin should act modest when choosing zombies to spawn in the later rounds. And not spawn 25 fp in round 7 only 'because he can'.

6. If the players are already struggling to survive the admin will spawn no additional zombies. The aim of the game mode is to make the game more exciting, not to make it more annoying after all.

I think it would be a nice change and if the admin did a good job as 'dungeon master' it would be quite fun. What do you think?

As a full-blown game mode it would be perfect of course, but I guess that's too much to ask for.

Coincidentally Hamada mentioned he had something similar in mind and I guess he'll post soon with more specifics.

And yeah, he discounted the retail twi spawn-on-your-head bollocks  :D

But admin dungeon master, fine with me.

I got a idea. Lets make patty spawn on every wave!!! (On the end) But his strenght depends on the wave. That would make the game so epic. (Came up with this because I wanted another post.)


--- Quote ---I think most people agree that if mainly experienced players are on the server at least rounds 1-6/7 can be pretty boring and incredibly easy. And on some maps all rounds are boring until Patty arrives. Usually you know where the zombies spawn and where they come from. That makes the game easy and predictable. You got your safe spot and you know that zombies will come from the left side, but no zombies will ever come from the right side for example. You stand there, kill zombie after zombie and wait for round 7/8 or for Patty.
--- End quote ---

Monsterboy, not all maps are that boring and easy. CQB (close quarter battle) maps are pretty rough and tough (for example Doorway to hell, Box Without Hope, etc...). Besides you won't get the admin or the asst admin to be there all the time. What anyone can do to make the map more challenging is to add a bunch of teleporters close to the player spawn to have the zombies spawn there. Or use scripted triggers to spawn whatever zombie you want.

--- Quote ---I got a idea. Lets make patty spawn on every wave!!!
--- End quote ---

Legend, I too have an idea. Let's spawn a brain in your head! (Just joking). A coder needs to change the codes for the Patty to change his strength per wave. Besides, the game spawns notorious zombies as the wave increases. Nice try though.


Do these guys even visit the forums anymore? :(


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