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How to install new mutators?


I just have extracted the MutHolidayFunV20.u from my cache to the /system directory. But I cannot choose it ingame o.O
Can someone please tell me how to set it up?

I can't add them in game either.

Add them in KFMod20.ini's [xVoting.xVotingHandler] section.

--- Code: ---GameConfig=(GameClass="KFMod.KFGameType",Prefix="KF",Acronym="KF",GameName="Survival",Mutators="NoDoorDamage.NoDoorDamage,KFMod.Bloom,AdminPlus_v14.MutAdminPlus",Options=)
--- End code ---

With this you can make sure the mutators are loaded every time a new map is voted.
For having certain mutators the first time you start the server, put them in cmd line.

You can't just extract mutators from cache, as some files are never downloaded from server. Just google "MutHolidayFunV20" if you want to use it.

Thank you very much.
Well, setting a mutator in the KFMod20.ini did not work for my dedicated server, but now I know the syntax how to set multiple mutators. Now I could finally figure out the correct name I have to set for the MutHolidayFunV20 and it works ^^

However, Idk if it's useful, but here's the commandline I use to start the server:

--- Code: ---./ucc-bin-linux-amd64 server KF-Manor?game=KFMod.KFGameType?mutator=MutHolidayFunV20.MutHolidayFun,NoDoorDamage.NoDoorDamage ini=KFMod20.ini log=KFMod20.log -mod="KFMod20"
--- End code ---
(It might be the same in  the windows version, but with another executable set)


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