General Zone > Lulz

Can you guess who this is?

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I think some people should stick with MSPaint.

If you mean my signature:
the truth is: I've used a screenshot and GIMP. But I had to draw all lines freehand. That was pretty much work :/

Raj, did you just say I am bad with photoshop?


--- Quote from: N3Cr0 on January 06, 2011, 16:44 ---If you mean my signature:
the truth is: I've used a screenshot and GIMP. But I had to draw all lines freehand. That was pretty much work :/

--- End quote ---

Nope. You drew it really well. You should get Adobe Illustrator and start learning vector art with that steady hand of yours.  ;)

I just made this from random effects. And the butterflyes are one of thouse effects.


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