General Zone > The Lounge

Lets all play Killing floor


Ok listen... Heres a idea I had for some time. We for example write "We are going to play at 7 pm (+1 gmt)" So that everybody knows the exact time we "all" will be playing at. It will be much more simple just pointing out the time when we all should get on and play it when we want to. I am sure more people will come that way knowing exactly when a lot of people will come (Sorry if my idea doesnt make sence. I still kinda suck in english, but yeah.)

Do you mean for example, we say "Let's meet in 2 hours" ?


--- Quote from: N3Cr0 on January 20, 2011, 14:36 ---Do you mean for example, we say "Let's meet in 2 hours" ?

--- End quote ---
Yeah, thats exactly what I mean. But we have to write the gmt aswell so that other players know when it is exactly.

Okay. Since nobody is online most of the time because we dont know when to play... then lets do this. 27.1.2011. (21:00 gmt +1) 28.1.2011 (22:00 gmt +1)

i think raj's idea has more effect(me and zaid do a lot of kf togheter if one of us invites the other)... though i must also say that evolve looks promising(until now i never seen anyone online though XD) but if we get more players you should be able to invite everyone at once with an auto invite that will also pop up if someone is ingame and stuff.....


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