Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod


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I got a winchester with 8 full magazines. I threw it away, picked up a dual 9mm, threw it away again. Then I picked up my old winchester and it had no ammo... :S

And when I tried to buy ammo, it was still empty and I had to rebuy a wini.

I have one too, when the Bloats start vomiting at you, they stand too far away to hurt you. Every time.


--- Quote from: xS0NARx on July 01, 2011, 23:25 ---I have one too, when the Bloats start vomiting at you, they stand too far away to hurt you. Every time.

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The puke vile doesn't work -only works after they explode.  Hamada will be fixing it.

At present with the 9mm, be careful with pickup and drop, because the no guns bug happens.  And then you need to reconnect to the game server.  Poom, maybe there was a 9mm pickup in there somewhere...?

HS - Hamada changed it to that.  Before it was always empty.  I guess discuss it with him if you don't like it.

Really i like this game every thing is nice about it killing zomies , soon driving cars and looking at someones hard worke but WTF how the hell can a siren scream with no head ??????????????????????????? Today we were playing with N3CR0 Arcade map and it was 8 wave i see a siren coming from the the corner and i shoot it with HS and wtf i see i died by the scream but how ? really she was not even starting to scream and yet still i die .. please do something about the headless siren scream .... :'(


--- Quote from: [MiA]Alucard on September 03, 2011, 22:28 ---Really i like this game every thing is nice about it killing zomies , soon driving cars and looking at someones hard worke but WTF how the hell can a siren scream with no head ??????????????????????????? Today we were playing with N3CR0 Arcade map and it was 8 wave i see a siren coming from the the corner and i shoot it with HS and wtf i see i died by the scream but how ? really she was not even starting to scream and yet still i die .. please do something about the headless siren scream .... :'(

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From what I have seen in her code, they made it so the Siren with no head cannot do scream damage.  But Hamada had increased her scream, also the after-effect scream when she dies.  I guess tiny lag and after-effect got you :/


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