Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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Looks pretty good :)

Than you Thank you :D i got what i wanted in KF now :)   ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D


--- Quote from: NewGuy on April 14, 2011, 17:25 ---In what percent the mod is completed?

--- End quote ---

The guns nearly finished.  Hamada the Captain Coder, besides fixing my makeshift gun code has the new guns in the Trader.  And he figured out the code for storymode.  And these are huge achievements by Hamada.  KF retail doesn't have storymode, because it's a very complex problem to solve.  Sure enough they may make an effort, but they have a team of guys.  Hamada is only 1 man.

So Hamada has solved the biggest problems and is fixing many small problems.  Then there's the 2nd patty code, and npc code he's looking into.

So it's him, me, Raj, we're just a few guys working on V3, 2.6 or whatever - we work as hard as we can whenever we can.

Your guess on percentage is as good as mine... but, as above, thanks to Hamada's skill the biggest problems are solved.  And sure we all want it completed, playable asap too!

My progress.  For the past couple of days I've been finishing off the M202.  Stuff like the rocket blast was too long, I had to shorten it.  The gun, and ammo pickup scaling: larger, smaller.  For some reason an animation bone wasn't working in the 1st person view.  The 3p view just doesn't work, so I need to redo the 1st person anim so it's more like the LAW and will match the 3rd person view.  Also the MSG90 reload is shit and needs redoing.  I'm learning as I go, so there's a lot of redo.  And just now my wife has a toothache, argh.

Raj is online so fyck it all, I'll have a game XD

hey, i'm a new member here. I'm loving all the new stuff coming in next patch!! Can't wait. So, if everything goes right..when aprox. will the patch come out?

hi new member ! enjoy in this website/server , welcome , the patch 3.0 need some need time beacause need to creat gun , skin ect.... ;)


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