Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
well, about everyone i have ever met playing CoD nazi zombs? :P
What, Hellhounds are powning! :D
*sigh* I wish I could play CoD Nazi Zombies... stupid Activision killed the game... :(
It resembles Killing Floor in some ways.
The news seems to be amazing! Can't wait to discover the new version!! :)
--- Quote from: [MiA]Slim_Cognito on July 01, 2011, 21:45 ---well, about everyone i have ever met playing CoD nazi zombs? :P
--- End quote ---
Cod5: never tried online (maybe I need to use hamachi)
Cod7: uninstalled the 2nd day because I couldn't play it in MP mode
Well, how progress going? ::)
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